Pros and Cons of Single Solution and Over the Top Providers

A session initiation protocol (SIP) single solution provider is usually attractive to those who only want to deal with the basics and one provider. However, an over-the-top (OTT) solution can provide a more durable situation with pricing and selection advantages.

This is because the OTT solution uses a separate carrier and separate content provider. Each type of option has its merits. Consider the following features:

Single Solution Pros


Single solution trunking means dealing with fewer providers. It eliminates subscriptions to other services that run up costs. It is also possible in most cases to grab a circuit bundle with the SIP trunking option to save even more.

Billing and Service

The idea of single solution trunking is to keep it simple. When it comes to invoicing, expect one monthly charge. Likewise, when it comes to customer service, there should only be one phone number and one company to contact for assistance.

Quality Advantage

The customer service quality of single solution trunking can be superior to OTT because the entire network operates under one entity. In a sense, the left hand knows what the right is doing, and problems are able to be sorted out in a more timely and organized manner. There are also the advantages of flexible usage and optimum bandwidth delivery.

Single Solution Cons

A big drawback to using single solution trunking is the fact that there is only one connection. In the event of failure, there are few resolutions until the provider can be reached to resolve the issue. Another drawback is the possibility of slow or inactive traffic at distant sites.

OTT Pros

Best of the Best

Competition is strong when it comes to vendors and the specializations they offer. An OTT solution breeds rivalry, so the consumer wins in the long run. In this aspect, there is a quality advantage in hiring the top candidate in whatever combination of vendors will work best.

Choice and Selection

As previously mentioned, an OTT solution prevents the individual or business from being married to all of the packaged providers. If one doesn’t work, it can be replaced. The favorable providers can be kept without penalty. This encourages good customer support and resolution.


Choosing the OTT option for any business or individual means having a more resilient, dependable experience. Not only are there two providers to work with, there is more than one media used. A variety of media (fiber, wireless, copper, etc.) can assist with constancy and performance.

OTT Cons

Switching over to an OTT option means existing carriers will have to be dropped. It also carries the disadvantage of having to shop around for the best prices. This can entail a lot of research, communication, and even haggling when necessary. A third problem that arises with OTT service is the fact that problems will be challenging to address when dealing with more than one vendor.

There are two choices when it comes to SIP trunking. Understanding the pros and cons of each option will make the selection easier and benefit the individual, small business or large company in the long run.


Effective Project Management

shutterstock_215762650Experts in managing business projects agree that there are strategies that improve the likelihood that a project is finished well, on budget, and by the deadline. 

At first glance, these steps to successful project management can appear direct and uncomplicated.  However, it takes only one wrong step to throw off the entire project.

 Managing a project effectively requires involving the right people,  communicating clear expectations, establishing concrete deadlines, and maintaining a flexible scope.

Preparation Details

A project manager and team need a complete set of sanctioned project details before beginning to plan. These details will help the process run smoothly and will prevent a crisis when a bump in the road looms. For starters, project details should be comprised of expected milestones, deadlines, and a budget worksheet.

Choose the Players

A project team should include the minimum number of people required to get the job done. These team members should have the best skills and experience that pertains to the project itself. A project manager needs a team that is reliable, yet small enough to communicate and work with effectively.

Clear Delegation

It is essential that each team member knows exactly which piece of the project he or she is responsible for accomplishing. Precise assignments—including their milestones and their deadlines—can prevent confusion and frustration. This also protects key objectives from slipping between the cracks. A strong project manager checks in on individual assignments and their deadlines on a regular basis.

Establish Milestones

From as early as the first meeting, milestones should be established and understood. These benchmarks should have corresponding deadlines to help team members stay focused on the final objective. This ensures not only a clear course, but it also helps avoid any uncertainty or doubts before they are too late to be comfortably addressed.

Reward Progress

Project milestones deserve recognition. A project manager who rewards team members who met deadlines boosts enthusiasm for the project, encourages creativity, and communicates success. Commending each successful step achieved helps ensure the final vision is realized.

Avoid Micromanagement

Effective project managers instill in team members a sense of equilibrium by balancing milestone checks with the freedom to work and create. Micromanaging is a poor form of control that can lead to confusion and discouragement. It also may affect the quality of the project’s final results.

Meetings Matter

Regular meetings are important to keep progress moving steadily forward. Meetings should be brief and to the point; they should address the project status as a whole and allow each member to briefly update the team within an allotted time. Long meetings lead to boredom and distraction, both of which derail the team’s focus and enthusiasm.

Encourage Communication

Effective communication is a key player in project management success. Management experts recommend using a quality, user-friendly software program that all team members can access. This keeps information up-to-date and readily available. It also prevents confusion, loss, and poor time management—all of which may occur with simpler or cheaper methods like emails or online forum boards.

Change Is Inevitable

Finally, project managers need to remember this: Change is a part of life—even in business. Allow room for modifications in the initial planning stages of the project. Manage flexibility for deadlines by preparing for unexpected requests or problems.

It’s also a good idea to prepare the budget for inevitable hiccups. Be patient and encourage team members from the beginning to roll with the challenges and keep everyone informed. Planning for adjustments helps to maintain positive outlooks and inspires members to stay committed from start to finish.